
September 26, 2011

Made In America, Printed In Japan

In late 2008,  my employer wanted to put out an ad after the market had seen some serious tumbling. I worked closely with our marketing consultant who recommended a simple, text based message to customers and potential customers.

Despite working at a global organization, I was surprised to learn that my ad made an impression in a foreign market and that there was a big name publisher who wanted to translate the ad into the local language and run it in their magazines! This was my first job out of college, after all and the first time my work was translated into a foreign language.

Seeing the ad in Japanese so that it may appear in Nikkei's business publications was an a unique thrill and I'm proud to see my work make it's way around the world!

September 20, 2011

Eastchester vs. Brewster - High School Football [9-16-11]

I really love the summer and I'm always sad when the leaves start changing colors here in New York. Thankfully, the dull ache in my heart is eased by the knowledge that it's football season and there's plenty to be excited about.

Below you can find some photo's I took before a high school game between two local schools. If you like what you see, be sure to click here to view all the photo's from the pre-game and a few from the game itself.

September 14, 2011


Recently, I was handed the business card for a DJ. Not long after this my head hurt. This was because the design on the back of the business card was not conducive to viewing while not under the influence of some kind of substance.

Now this could sound like a bad thing to some, but not to me. Moments like this just get my creative juices flowing and I tried my hand at creating a new design for him.

FYI - don't try a google search for DJ MG. You're just gonna find the wrong guy :)

September 12, 2011

Michelle, Peter, Racquel and Danielle

Photography is an altogether different beast than design and video. In some ways, it's an odd hybrid of the two.

Many of the same principals apply with regards to space and just like video, after the image is captured the work has only just begun. Below are some examples of photo's with several varying visual effects applied to them. All photo's below were taken and edited by me during a family portrait shoot with my cousins Michelle, Peter, Racquel and Danielle.

As with all image's on this blog, you can click for a larger version.

I show this black and white picture for a simple reason: I think this photo works well without color. But you should always beware a photographer whose portfolio contains a lot of black and white photos. Not showing a lot of color photography is a great way to cover up flaws in lighting and color. Make sure your photographer can create brilliant color photos if they're asked to.

Here is a much more traditional and straightforward portrait of the happy children.  Ready for a living room.

And finally, the family walking off down the beach to cap it all off.

September 8, 2011

Legion Ale

When I was asked by a friend to design the label for a basement brew called "Legion Ale," there was no way I could turn it down. Of course, I wouldn't be a very good beer lover if I didn't accept without trying it...

The middle of the circle was intentionally left blank so the owner could insert his own image in there which had not been determined at the time of completion.

I'm A Knicks Fan

I really love sports. While I didn't always love them all, for as long as I could remember I've been a Knicks fan. Below you can find three pieces that I've done as a fan of the team.

These two stills were done before I went to a meet and greet with the respective players. They were good enough to autograph them for me. I was actually pretty flattered when they took a moment to stare at the images and were impressed with my work.

This highlight video, however, is much more recent. I slapped it together in a haze of excitement as the first Knicks playoff appearance in years was on the horizon. I hope you enjoy!

September 6, 2011

Corporate Work

From slides, to postcards, to web ads. The corporate world requires a wide variety of design elements and I feel safe  saying that I've experienced them all. Below are a few examples of design that I've done within the corporate world.
These two pieces represent slides displayed at a 2009 award show honoring creativity in advertising. The top slides serve as examples for all finalists while the bottom one is an example of winner slides which incorporate the show logo.

This image was used as a poster to greet guests at an event celebrating the achievement of women in business.

Pamphlets like the one above can be a great way to communicate information about your company in an organized and efficient manner. Works well on its own or as part of a larger media package.

September 5, 2011

Gearheads Trailer

This video was created as a film trailer to a private documentary about car enthusiasts. Concept, filming, music and editing were all done by myself.

September 3, 2011

A Tree Grows

One day, a former co-worker of mine was consulting me on what kind of design she wanted for an upcoming project. Everything she mentioned had to do with trees or plants. The final design did not reflect this favored idea of hers, but I saw fit to go back and create something specifically for her. Voila!

September 2, 2011

Only In Dreams

This illustarion was done across Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator. The goal was to create an image without the use of heavy black lines. This break from tradition helped create a unique final product.