
September 12, 2011

Michelle, Peter, Racquel and Danielle

Photography is an altogether different beast than design and video. In some ways, it's an odd hybrid of the two.

Many of the same principals apply with regards to space and just like video, after the image is captured the work has only just begun. Below are some examples of photo's with several varying visual effects applied to them. All photo's below were taken and edited by me during a family portrait shoot with my cousins Michelle, Peter, Racquel and Danielle.

As with all image's on this blog, you can click for a larger version.

I show this black and white picture for a simple reason: I think this photo works well without color. But you should always beware a photographer whose portfolio contains a lot of black and white photos. Not showing a lot of color photography is a great way to cover up flaws in lighting and color. Make sure your photographer can create brilliant color photos if they're asked to.

Here is a much more traditional and straightforward portrait of the happy children.  Ready for a living room.

And finally, the family walking off down the beach to cap it all off.

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